Yay, the first release!

Here’s a quick feature list currently in place.

  • You can create a part!
  • Parts can have the following features:
    • Part type, for example Capacitor or Arduino Uno Dev Board
    • Range, for example Arduino Uno or ESP8266
    • Part name, for example WiFi Mini ESP8266
    • Package type, for example DIP
    • Value, for example 0.1 - this is just a text value, the unit value is separate
    • Value type, for example uF or R
    • Part number, for example XC3802 or SN74HC595
    • Quantity, the number of this specific part you have on hand (and in the location)
    • Location, where you’ve stored these parts
    • Manufacturer, the manufacturer of this specific part
    • Notes, a rich text entry location for any notes you have for the part, including images!
  • Parts can be duplicated, then modified
  • Parts can be deleted—to a rubbish bin, where it can be restored if you’ve made a terrible, terrible mistake
  • If you are storing the same part in different locations (such as in two different containers) you would create one part entry for the first location, then duplicate it and set the quantity and location for the second location
  • If you’ve got the same part but made by different manufacturers, and store them in the same place, you can just leave the Manufacturer feature empty
  • List pages for all parts, and broken down by location, manufacturer, part name, part type, and range
  • Search functionality when adding/editing a part for the part type, range, part name, package type, value unit, manufacturer, and location
  • Fuzzy search over relevant fields on parts
  • A big button in the admin page to reindex tha parts, if something went wrong (please let me know if something goes wrong…)
  • Home page featuring locations, manufacturers, and part types

The following features for the next release:

  • Adding documents to a part, such as data sheets or development guides
  • Adding suppliers to a part, so you can track the best (or worst) places to obtain new parts